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Academic Journals (Nature Publishing Group)
Provides access to 40 full-text journals in clinical, physical and life sciences from 1997 to present.
China Academic Reference
China Academic Reference is an academic database collecting English resources published in China. It provides 230 full-text journals, 2.6 million full-text articles and 14 million English abstracts of various disciplines in doctoral dissertations, masters' theses, conference papers, E-books, yearbooks and glossaries.
Provides access to 2.893 academic journals published in Turkey in all sciences.
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
This service covers free, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals. There are more than 21.315 journals and 10 millions articles in the directory.
Provides access to more than 1.300 Turkish full-text journals in history, language and literature, political sciences, education, culture and art, economics and finance, management, computer and internet, science and technology, law, health sciences, engineering, psychology, sociology, philosophy and other fields.
İdealonline Medical Book Database
Provides access to more than 600 medical books in dentistry, nursing, pediatrics, cardiology, internal medicine, pharmacology, anatomy, diabetes.
IGI Global e-Books
Provides access to 5.770 full text e-books purchased by İstanbul Bilgi University Library in Software, computer science and engineering, business technology, data technology, e-government, global and environmental technologies, education technologies intelligent technologies, information management and librarianship, medical technologies and health, genetic, multimedia technologies, security technologies, ethics and law social technologies.
MasterFILE Complete
Provides access to 2.400 full-text journals, more than 1.000 reference books, 55.100 primary source documents and 1.8 million views (photos, maps, flags) in business, health, sports, entertainment, education, fashion and other social sciences from 1922 to present.
MEDLINE® with Full Text
It is a comprehensive full-text database of medical journals in the world. Provides access to more than 1.230 full-text journals indexed in MEDLINE 1949 to present.
Nature Journals
Provides access to 46 full-text journals in biological sciences, business, environmental, health and physical sciences from 2007 to present.
Provides access to more than 447 full-text journals in medical and nursing.
Primal Pictures Anatomy.Tv
Provides access to more than 19.000 3D anatomical structures and 400.000 images related human anatomy, muscle structure and function based on multimedia, animations of biomechanics, surgical interventions and physiological and 700 MR images.
PubMed Central
Provides access to more than 37 million citations in health, biomedical and life sciences.
Web of Science - Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI-S)
Provides access to citation index in scientific and technical fields including agriculture, biochemistry, biology, biotechnology, computer science, engineering, environmental science and medical sciences.