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Applied Science & Business Periodicals Retrospective Index (1913-1983)
Provides access to more than 4.5 million bibliographical records of the 2.000 journals in life sciences, economics and administrative sciences from 1913 to 1983.
China Academic Reference
China Academic Reference is an academic database collecting English resources published in China. It provides 230 full-text journals, 2.6 million full-text articles and 14 million English abstracts of various disciplines in doctoral dissertations, masters' theses, conference papers, E-books, yearbooks and glossaries.
Provides access to more than 30.000 Turkish e-books in astronomy and space science, computer science, environmental sciences, language and literature, education, economics and finance, energy, philosophy, psychology and religion, physics, fine arts, law, business and management sciences, chemistry, librarianship, mathematics and statistics, communication, architecture and design, engineering and technology, museum and cultural studies, music, politics and international relations, sociology, sports travel and tourism, agriculture and biology, history and medicine.
JSTOR Ireland Collection
Provides access to 74 full-text journals related to Ireland in art, social sciences, humanities, music and mathematics.
Provides access to bibliographic information on more than 1,600 journals, more than 1,800,000 article reviews and 4,450,000 articles published in mathematics and related subjects from the 1800s to the present.
Oxford University Press Journals
Provides access to 524 full-text journals in economics, business, mathematics, communications, law, history, political science, sociology and other social sciences.
Provides access to more than 3.000 full-text journals with back issues in finance, economics, education, computer science, mathematics, communication, engineering, law, history, politics, sociology and other sciences.
Wiley Online Library
Provides access to 1.326 full-text journals with back issues in chemistry, economics, business, finance, computer, education, law, mathematics, veterinary, dentistry, polymer, and material science, pharmacy, physics and astrology, Psychology, educational science, engineering, agriculture, architecture and planning, applied arts, biotechnology, biochemistry & biophysics, cell and molecular biology, computer science and information technology, genetics, geography & discoveries, history archeology, psychology, medicine, life sciences and statistics.