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Akademisyen Online
Provides access to more than 3.200 e-books and 35.600 book sections in health, sport, history, law, communication, economic, and social sciences.
Art Index Retrospective
Provides access to bibliographical records of more than 600 journals in art history, fashion design and landscape architecture from 1929 to 1984.
Business Periodicals Index Retrospective
Provides access to bibliographical records of the more than 1.000 journals and more than 2.500.000 articles. The database indexed academic and commercial journals from 1913 to 1982.
Education Index Retrospective
Provides access to bibliographical records of more than 800 publications and 850.000 books in education sciences from 1929 to 1983.
Provides access to new recordings, musicians, instruments, types of music, and classics of electroacoustics. It is required to create a user account to access this database.
European Views of the Americas
Provides access to more than 32.000 bibliographical records about British, Dutch, French, religions, beliefs, trade and discoveries in America.
MasterFILE Reference eBook Collection
Provides access to more than 800 e-books in computer, science, finance, genetics, career, architecture, fashion and design, health, art, travel, sports and history.
Military Big Data
Provides access to information in land, sea, air, and weapon systems with country details.
Open Dissertations
Provides access to more than 1.200.000 full-text PhD thesis accepted by American universities from 1902 to the present.
Piri AI
Piri AI provides AI support for writing and research processes in academic works, assisting in content creation. It is required to create a user account to access this database.
Regional Business News
Provides access to more than 100 local business news from Regional Business News, The Washington Post, and PR Newswire US published in the United States and Canada.
Social Sciences Index Retrospective
Provides access to almost 1 million bibliographic records published in social sciences and humanities from 1907 to 1983.
Statista database provides access to more than 80.000 topics and 1 million statistics, including sector and country reports, outlook reports, and market forecasts.
Web News
Provides access to more than 14.000 news compiled on different topics from all over the world.
Wikilala database access to more than 2 million newspapers, periodicals, books and other materials published in Ottoman. This database allows researchers to search the resources in Latin letters.