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Ayeum provides access to online educational videos in social, health and educational science. In order to watch the videos, a subscription is required from the "Register" option.
Trial Date: Nov. 10, 2024
China Academic Reference
China Academic Reference is an academic database collecting English resources published in China. It provides 417 full-text journals, 2.6 million full-text articles and 14 million English abstracts of various disciplines in doctoral dissertations, masters' theses, conference papers, E-books, yearbooks and glossaries.
Provides access to more than 2.625 academic journals published in Turkey in all sciences.
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
This service covers free, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals. There are more than 18.992 journals and 8 millions articles in the directory.
Education Index Retrospective
Provides access to bibliographical records of more than 800 publications and 850.000 books in education sciences from 1929 to 1983.
Education Resources Information Center (ERIC)
Provides access to more than 1.6 million records and 631.000 full text documents in educational literature from 1966 to present.
Emerald Premier eJournal
Provides access to 405 full-text journals with back issues in finance, economy, education, management science and information management.
MasterFILE Complete
Provides access to 2.300 full-text journals, 870 reference books, 55.100 primary source documents and 1.8 million views (photos, maps, flags) in business, health, sports, entertainment, education, fashion and other social sciences from 1922 to present.
Provides access to more than 2.283 full-text journals with back issues in finance, economics, education, computer science, mathematics, communication, engineering, law, history, politics, sociology and other sciences.
Taylor & Francis Online
Provides access to more than 2.209 full-text journals with back issues in economics, education, computer science, mathematics, communication, law, history, politics, sociology and the other social sciences.
Teacher Reference Center
Provides access to more than 220 peer-reviewed journals index in eduction.
Wiley Online Library
Provides access to 1.732 full-text journals with back issues in chemistry, economics, business, finance, computer, education, law, mathematics, veterinary, dentistry, polymer, and material science, pharmacy, physics and astrology, Psychology, educational science, engineering, agriculture, architecture and planning, applied arts, biotechnology, biochemistry & biophysics, cell and molecular biology, computer science and information technology, genetics, geography & discoveries, history archeology, psychology, medicine, life sciences and statistics.