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Sage Premier Journals
Provides access to more than 1.058 full-text journals in social and life sciences and humanities from 1999 to present.
Sayısal Kitap
Provides access to 729 e-books and 2 e-journals in social sciences, history, economics, finance, art, literature, architecture, education and law.
Science Direct
Provides access to 2.265 journals with back issues in social sciences, humanities and many other disciplines.
It is an evaluation system used for scientific and academic purposes that based on scientific publication performance. It also helps users to visualize their ranking and research performance in researchs.
It is an evaluation performance system based on measuring the performance of scientific publications and also indexes more than 25.040 peer-reviewed journals from 7.000 publishers.
It is an evaluation performance system based on measuring the performance of scientific publications and also indexes more than 1.502 journals in social sciences, science and health in Turkey.
Social Sciences Index Retrospective
Provides access to almost 1 million bibliographic records published in social sciences and humanities from 1907 to 1983.
Springer e-Books
Provides access to more than 9.653 full-text e-books and reference sources in engineering, law, computer sciences, criminology and related sciences purchased by BİLGİ Library.
Provides access to more than 2.283 full-text journals with back issues in finance, economics, education, computer science, mathematics, communication, engineering, law, history, politics, sociology and other sciences.
Statista database provides access to more than 80.000 topics and 1 million statistics, including sector and country reports, outlook reports, and market forecasts.
Provides access to more than 570.000 full-text law documents, Federal and Canton court decisions related to Switzerland. Also, it provides access to more than 85 law journals, 4.500 books, 1.470 law thesis in European law, EuGH decision and official gazette.