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IEEE Xplore Digital Library
Provides access to more than 5 million sources including 408 journals, 5.791 conference series, 4.526 standards in information technology, computer science, communication, multimedia, music, nanotechnology, cybernetics, technology and society.
IGI Global e-Books
Provides access to 4.512 full text e-books purchased by İstanbul Bilgi University Library in Software, computer science and engineering, business technology, data technology, e-government, global and environmental technologies, education technologies intelligent technologies, information management and librarianship, medical technologies and health, genetic, multimedia technologies, security technologies, ethics and law social technologies.
Is a database that simplifies analysis and research with direct access to the IMF's periodicals, books, working papers, studies, data and statistical tools. The database provides access to more than 22.135 books and analytical reports, 20.430 journals issue and 614 statistical reports.
International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences (26 volumes)
It is an online version of International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences in social and behavioral sciences. The database provides access to 4.000 articles, bibliographic references and subject indexes.
Istanbul Bilgi University Guide to Writing Academic Papers and Dissertations
Describes the process of producing an academically valid paper or dissertation and helps you with your approach to academic writing.