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Handbook of Psychology 2nd Edition (12 volumes)
Handbook of Psychology is a databese that covers psychology discipline at all points, gives access to every topic in psychology that is up-to-date and ever-growing. This edition covers discoveries based in neuroscience, evidence-based practice mindfulness, as well as new findings in social, developmental, and forensic psychology.
Provides access to more than 3.300 full-text law journals and reviews with back issues. Also provides documents related to about American law history and international law.
Provides access to more than 30.000 Turkish e-books in astronomy and space science, computer science, environmental sciences, language and literature, education, economics and finance, energy, philosophy, psychology and religion, physics, fine arts, law, business and management sciences, chemistry, librarianship, mathematics and statistics, communication, architecture and design, engineering and technology, museum and cultural studies, music, politics and international relations, sociology, sports travel and tourism, agriculture and biology, history and medicine.
History of Istanbul from Antiquity to XXIst
Provides access to 363 articles and more than 4.000 maps, miniatures, engravings, pictures, visual materials and archive documents in topography, architecture, management, economics, religious and social life.
Humanities & Social Sciences Index Retrospective
Indexes more than 1.200 journals, 1.300.000 records and 240.000 book reviews in humanities and social sciences.