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Beck- e Bibliothek
Provides access to 69 e-books in public law, civil law and criminal law.
Beck Online
Provides access to more than 480 e-books and 134 journals related with German Law.
Belt and Road Initiative Reference Source
Provides access to more than 50 newspapers, 5.000 full-text journals in economics, finance, geography, law, architecture, agriculture, technology, civil engineering and logistics.
Bloomsbury Fashion Central
It is a database that provides text, photographs and magazine content in different disciplines on clothing and fashion.
Bloomsbury Architecture Library
Bloomsbury Architecture Library database provides access to 135 ebooks and 2.607 photographs, drawings and building plans in architecture, architectural history, landscape and interior space.
Britannica Academic Edition
Provides access to more than 85.000 articles 800.000 full-text journals, 50.000 pictures, 2.000 videos, 10.000 e-books and reference sources. Apart from these, it includes blog pages are among the ones offered by the World Bank ‘World Data Analyst’ portal, a biography section, World Atlas and Timeline portal. For off campus access; user name: bilgi password: access
Business Periodicals Index Retrospective
Provides access to bibliographical records of the more than 1.000 journals and more than 2.500.000 articles. The database indexed academic and commercial journals from 1913 to 1982.
Business Source Ultimate
Provides access to more than 5.250 full-text journals, country reports and company profiles, market research reports and other resources in management science, economics, finance and international finance.