A B C Ç D E F G Ğ H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z All
Provides access to more than 43.056 full-text reviews in psychology pulished by APA from 1956 to present. The database was discontinued in 2018 but you can access back issues.
Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing
Provides access to more than 83 full-text journals and 100 e-books in field of psychoanalysis.
Provides access to more than 2.200 bibliographic information and abstract of articles with back issues in psychology journals published by American Psychological Society.
Regional Business News
Provides access to more than 100 local business news from Regional Business News, The Washington Post, and PR Newswire US published in the United States and Canada.
Rosetta Stone
It allows you to learn 30 different foreign languages ​​such as English, Spanish, French, and German at beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels. An account must be created with the institutional e-mail address for access.
Trial Date: April 30, 2024
Sage Journals Online
Provides access to more than 1.116 full-text journals in social and life sciences and humanities between 2006 - 2021.
Sayısal Kitap
Provides access to 729 e-books and 2 e-journals in social sciences, history, economics, finance, art, literature, architecture, education and law.
Science Direct
Provides access to 2.265 journals with back issues in social sciences, humanities and many other disciplines.
It is an evaluation system used for scientific and academic purposes that based on scientific publication performance. It also helps users to visualize their ranking and research performance in researchs.
It is a reference management program that enables scientific publications to be evaluated by performing reference checking and how they are cited through Smart Citations. It provides access to more than 24 million articles and 837 million citations. An account must be created with the institutional e-mail address for access.
Trial Date: April 18, 2024
It is an evaluation performance system based on measuring the performance of scientific publications and also indexes more than 25.040 peer-reviewed journals from 7.000 publishers.
It is an evaluation performance system based on measuring the performance of scientific publications and also indexes more than 1.502 journals in social sciences, science and health in Turkey.
Social Sciences Index Retrospective
Provides access to almost 1 million bibliographic records published in social sciences and humanities from 1907 to 1983.
Springer e-Books
Provides access to more than 9.653 full-text e-books and reference sources in engineering, law, computer sciences, criminology and related sciences purchased by BİLGİ Library.
Provides access to more than 2.283 full-text journals with back issues in finance, economics, education, computer science, mathematics, communication, engineering, law, history, politics, sociology and other sciences.
Provides access to more than 570.000 full-text law documents, Federal and Canton court decisions related to Switzerland. Also, it provides access to more than 85 law journals, 4.500 books, 1.470 law thesis in European law, EuGH decision and official gazette.
Taylor & Francis Online
Provides access to more than 2.209 full-text journals with back issues in economics, education, computer science, mathematics, communication, law, history, politics, sociology and the other social sciences.
Teacher Reference Center
Provides access to more than 220 peer-reviewed journals index in eduction.
Turnitin is the leading academic plagiarism detector, utilized by teachers and students to avoid plagiarism and ensure academic integrity. It compares students' papers, projects, dissertations and articles by uploading them to the system and matching them from web pages, articles in commercial electronic databases and e-books.
Industrial statistical data includes manufacturing sector data. INSTAT4 provides an in- depth analysis of the structural transformation of economies over time.