Kerem Kahvecioğlu
Database & Serials Team Manager
Kerem Kahvecioglu is the Team Leader for Databases & Serials and a law librarian at Istanbul Bilgi University Library and e-Resources in Istanbul, Turkey since 2005. He has been teaching the course “Research Methods and Accessing Legal Information Resources” at Istanbul Bilgi University Faculty of Law since 2009. He earned his Bachelor's degree in Library and Information Science from the Hacettepe University and his Master’s degree in Business Law from Istanbul Bilgi University.
He has been serving as the Vice President of International Association of Law Libraries (IALL) and as a Board Member of Turkish Platform of Law Librarians. He had served on the Education Committee and on the Communication Committee as a Chair at IALL and on the License Agreement Group at Anatolian University Libraries Consortium (ANKOS). He had written on copyright in libraries, legal research, and information literacy. His current research focuses on outcomes assessment, copyright, legal information, information literacy, and open access.
Phone: 90 (212) 311 51 57
e-Mail: kerem.kahvecioglu@bilgi.edu.tr