IFLA President's Meeting 2015 organized by Anatolian University Libraries Consortium (ANKOS) in collaboration with Turkish Library Association (TLA). The Meeting will be hosted by Istanbul Bilgi University in Istanbul between 3-5 June 2015.

Under the title of “The Art of Transforming Libraries”, there will be five mains sessions with the following themes: IFLA Trend Report and Lyon Declaration; transforming technologies: opportunities and threats; legal regulations and the impact on information technologies; transformation in public libraries; knowledge economy in all aspects. There are 125 participants from 27 countries.

For further information:  http://meetings.ankos.org.tr/ifla2015/

Date: 3-5 June 2015
Time: 09:00- 18:00
Placeİstanbul Bilgi University santralistanbul Campus, ÇSM 403- 404 
Address: Eski Silahtarağa Elektrik Santralı Kazım Karabekir Cad. No: 2/13 34060
Eyüp- İstanbul
Telephone:+90 212 311 7399 
E-mail: kutuphane@bilgi.edu.tr